This game was made for the based on the following idea

I decided to not abide to social constructs, such as rules, and merely took them more as guidelines, thus breathing life onto this game.  


This game would have been a silent bunch of Godot icons without the help of

Art and sounds

UI Elements

Development log


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(1 edit)

Bro AWESOME game, loved the pixel art, the theme the style the hook & the core mechanic was also cool, the core mechanics TOTALLY NOT CONFUSING AND TOTALLY NOT TOOK ME HOURS TO FIGURE OUT AND TOTALLY DID NOT GIVE UP NOT EVEN CLIMBING THE FIRST SET OF BLOCKS WHICH APPPEARED on screen

still good game though ! :)

🤣🤣🤣 glad you liked the game. So wished I was there to see your reaction and maybe figure out how to make it better 🥲

Broo I'm jus bad at rage games but still if you wanna make me feel better, try out my game, cuz u know feedback improves a developer, maybe u playing my game would improve me too uk... :)